Hello Dreamer,
September was an exciting month for us in the Canadian Dreamers Club and for Canadian Immigration in general.
If you are new to the club, welcome! If you haven't yet joined us, we look forward to having you and helping you in the very near future.
Here's what we are going to talk about:
Let's get into it.
The video below is the read along & audio for this blog post to listen while you follow along, or just listen, if it is more convenient than reading ;) .
Everything You Need To Know About Canadian Immigration All in One Place
On September 13 - 16 we held the first-ever, free, 4-day, online Canadian Immigration Summit. We covered everything you needed to know to get started, or take the next step on your Canadian immigration journey. No matter what stage of the journey you were at, there was something there for you.
We covered topics related to studying in Canada, working in Canada, and living in Canada, we heard stories from over 7 other immigrants and also covered topics like the "Canadian Dream Mindset". Here's what we covered:
Who Are We and Why Should You Listen To Us?
Study In Canada – Why, Where, When, What, & How
How to Move to Canada Through Studying in Canada & The Study Permit Cap
Choosing What to Study In Canada & Your Career Path
Work in Canada – How, What, When, Where
The Atlantic Immigration Program and the Rural & Northern Immigration Program
Visitor to Worker - Myths, How, Where, & The Provincial Nominee Program
Canadianize Your Resume & How to Find a Job
International Students – Post Graduate Work Permit & Express Entry Category Changes
Provincial Nominee Program for International Students
Finding a Job & Networking Resources and Tips
Financial Literacy, Building Wealth in Canada, Investing & Money Sense
Accounting & Filing Your Tax Return
Immigrant Panel - 7 Immigrants from Different Countries - In Different Parts of Canada Who Migrated Through Different Immigration Programs, Got Scholarships, Got Rejected and The Reason One Of Them Has Left Canada
The Canadian Dream Mindset
Real Estate Session - Finding a Place to Live in Canada & Relocating
Success Story – Business & Entrepreneurship in Canada
We hope you were there, but if you missed it, don't worry; you can watch the replays at your leisure in the Video Library in the Canadian Dreamers Club.
The Key To Making Your Canadian Dream a Reality
The Canadian Dreamers Club "soft launched" on August 4, 2023 and officially during the September summit. It is the first of its kind in the Canadian immigration space, where we offer ongoing coaching and support, resources, and accountability to support you on your Canadian immigration journey.
When we think about the immigration journey, we tend to get tunnel vision and think solely or mostly about the actual immigration process. Oftentimes, aspects like our career goals, financial goals, home ownership goals, and our tax obligations get pushed to the "back burner" and are dealt with after the immigration application dust has settled. As a seasoned, 10-year immigrant, I want to warn you against this, and I've put my "money where my mouth is" by providing you with the club to help you achieve your goals with a holistic approach.
Inside the club, you have access to a Career Coach, Immigration Consultant, Financial Broker, Real Estate Agent, Accountant, me, your trusty Canadian Immigration Coach, and the list will continue to grow.
You also have access to quality resources like my step-by-step book on how to progress through the immigration system from international student to Canadian citizen and everything in between, a resume course created by an international business consultant & coach, a video library updated weekly with all the past live recordings, Q&As, answers to frequently asked questions and much more.
We have curated a supportive, intimate environment for you to make progress and stay motivated and accountable throughout the process before you get to Canada, after you get here, and beyond. If there was something I wish I had when I was on my journey, this would be it. The information, plus the seasoned, experienced people to help alleviate stress, remove the guesswork, and comfort me when rejections threatened to steal my joy, is exactly what I would have liked to have when I was on my own journey.
Come check out the Canadian Dreamers Club for yourself for 3% off the first month (coupon code: OCTOBER23 valid until October 31) here.
Express Entry Rapid Fire
September saw a series of five Express Entry rounds, starting on September 19. A total of 8,300 individuals received invitations to apply for permanent residency in Canada across all Express Entry streams. This is promising news for those looking to make Canada their new home!
On September 28, we saw the first-ever Agriculture and Agri-Food Occupations draw. The opportunities are expanding, and we're thrilled to see this new avenue for potential immigrants.
Here is a quick recap of the September Express Entry Draws:
Image from Immigration, R. a. C. C. (2023, September 22). Ministerial instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system. Canada.ca. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/mandate/policies-operational-instructions-agreements/ministerial-instructions/express-entry-rounds.html
We're eagerly anticipating how the rest of the year will unfold as Canada strives to meet its goal of inviting 500,000 people to live in Canada in 2023. Watch this short video to discover how this relates to you.
Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship
Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada will flip the switch on for this program in a very unexpected way. On September 8, they announced that the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship program will open up on October 10 - 23, 2023, and, here's the twist: they will be sending invitations to people who submitted an interest to sponsor form back in 2020. So, since we can't time travel, if you had no interest in this program back in 2020 and didn't submit an interest to sponsor form, you are immediately ineligible for this program for this year.
Interestingly, in 2020, I submitted an interest to sponsor form for my parents, which means I still have a valid "lottery ticket" and can receive an invitation to apply for permanent residency for my parents. This is not something I would have ever expected, and I had given up any hope I had for this program after the 2020 window closed. The question I would ask now is, "Is this an expectation we should have for the years to come?" or can the powers that be continue to change things as we go along? The phrase "if you don't have a ticket, you don't stand a chance" is almost through the door with this "lottery system" since the time to have bought a ticket was 3 YEARS AGO!
Between October 10 and 23, 2023, IRCC will send 24,200 invitations to apply to potential sponsors. Their goal is to accept up to 15,000 complete applications.
May the odds be ever in your 2020 self's favour.
The Gold Mine on YouTube
There is always something for you over on YouTube. Between these monthly blog posts, staying tuned on YouTube is a great way to stay engaged and keep yourself on track with your Canadian immigration goals. Here are the September videos
What You Must Know Before Showing Up In Canada for the "EASY" Canada Visitor to Worker Program
Keep This In Mind When Looking for a Job in Canada as an Immigrant
Should You Use a Recruitment Agency for Canada Visitor to Worker Program?
No Express Entry Draw Yet & What To Do If You Don't Know Anything About Express Entry in Canada
Should You Apply Alone or For Your Whole Family on Your Canadian Student Visa Application
How do You Overcome or Avoid a Rejected Canadian Visa? With @mcbeanimmigrationcanada
If YOU Answered YES to ANY of These Canadian Immigration Questions Here's What you Should Do
Canada Parent & Grandparent Family Sponsorship 2023 Changes & Proof of Funds for this Program
Did the new TEER System replace the NOC code? | Immigration Canada
2023 Canadian Immigration Summit Attendee Cash Prize Announcement
What's the Express Entry Score for the September 19th Draw 2023?
Everything You Need to Know About Canadian Immigration All In One Place
Another Express Entry Draw Today + Every Single Way To Move To Canada from A-Z
Advice To All Future Canadian Immigrants from Current Immigrants + A Question You Must Ask Yourself
A Scholarship To Study In Canada Reignited Her Dream @RochiiThomas
The Secret Word Game
On September 26 in this video I launched the "Secret Word Game". Here's how it works:
Head over to YouTube and watch one of our most recent videos and listen for the secret word announcement in the video. Then, go to https://www.astoldbycanadianimmigrants.com/event and fill out the Secret Word Game form for a chance to participate in ONE of our Canadian Dreamers Club Coaching Calls for FREE with either Kristina, Michael or Minerva.
When you are selected as a winner, the offer is valid for 4 weeks to attend any ONE of the coaching calls happening within that 4-week span! This is a great opportunity to have your questions answered, taste the "Canadian Dreamers Club experience," and get some direction on your personal situation. This is an easy way to take the first step or the next step toward your Canadian immigration goals. #justdoit See the October lineup below!
LMIA Approved or Exempt List of Jobs in Canada
Would you benefit from a list of jobs in Canada that are from LMIA-approved or exempt employers to help make your conversion from visitor to worker seamless? Watch this video below and fill out THIS FORM if your answer is a resounding YES!
Looking Ahead to October
For the month of October, you have many opportunities to easily plug into any of the following LIVE coaching calls as a Canadian Dreamers Club Member or Secret Word Winner:
Wednesday - October 4 - Canadian Immigration Orientation Coaching Call & Q&A with Kristina. Book now
Saturday - October 7 - Boost Your Career in Canada with Michael. Book Now
Saturday - October 14 - Hands-on Webinar: How to Power Up Your Résumé for Canada. Book Now
Friday - October 27 - Monthly Immigration Consultant Live Q&A With Minerva & Kristina. Book Now
We will also be starting two new series on YouTube to continue to fill your immigration cup.
On Mondays & Tuesdays, look out for videos from the series - All Canadian Immigration Programs from A-Z. In this series, I am going to break down who is eligible for each program, what the requirements are, how to go about applying, and rating the program on a scale of 1-5 (1 = easy and 5 = hard) for the average, "typical" person.
On Wednesdays, look out for a cost of living video where we cover all the aspects of the cost of living in Canada across several provinces.
On Thursdays, you will get some tips, tricks, and advice on how to succeed in Canada as an Immigrant.
Fridays through to Sundays, you can expect a Canadian lifestyle video and story talk from an immigrant in our community who came, saw, and conquered to help keep you motivated but also informed about the realities of Canadian Immigration.
You will see different faces and get to experience all the professionals you have access to as part of this community.
Wrapping It Up
I am happy and excited to be part of your Canadian Immigration journey. Thank you for watching, reading, subscribing, following, participating, and engaging in what we have to offer. We are here for you and would be nothing without you, so I appreciate everyone who is part of this community and look forward to serving you. See you in the club!
Dare to Dream - Make a Plan - Take that Leap
Stay connected on YouTube and Instagram!
Keep The Faith,